2024-05 Newsletter

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      From: Rosemary Maieron Norwood EFASCE Phila. President Sent: Saturday, May 11, 2024 8:10 AM
      Subject: Fwd: EFASCE May Newsletter

      Enjoy our May newsletter. Forwarding to you on behalf of Lisa Roman our Vice President, Joe Colussi our Director, and Bob Henry who diligently work to create this newsletter for you!

      Enjoy! Mandi! Rosemary


      Enclosed please find our 33rd EFASCE di Philadelphia newsletter. We hope you enjoy learning more about our organization, Italian traditions, and your fellow members. We look forward to your suggestions, feedback, and future contributions to the newsletter.

      We greatly appreciate all the contributions our members make to the newsletter each quarter. Please continue to use the newsletter to connect with EFASCE and each other!

      Thank you for making the Polenta Dinner another wonderful event!

      We hope to see you at the Venetian Social Club 100th anniversary events!!!

      Have a wonderful summer!

      Ci vediamo a presto!

      Lisa A. Roman
      Vice President, EFASCE di Philadelphia
      Segretario EFASCE di Philadelphia is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

      You are receiving this correspondence because you have provided your email address. To unsubscribe, please send an email to contact@efasce.net with the word unsubscribe in the subject line.

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