When offered, EFASCE di Pordenone extends an invitation for Student members of EFASCE di Philadelphia, ages 15-18, to participate in an exchange visit to Friuli for two to three weeks during the summer. Students are housed at Euro Hotel in Maniago, and generally attend class each morning in Maniago followed by afternoon excursions to various attractions and destinations within the region, including: Trieste, Pordenone, Valvasone, Barcis, and Venezia. This program offers students an incredible opportunity to learn about the land of their ancestors, first hand, and to meet and interact with students of other EFASCE organizations from the United States and Canada. The first delegation of students from Philadelphia occurred July 2009.
Related to the Student Exchange is the Riscorprire Friuli (Rediscover Friuli) program. This program is not offered every year, and is a new program designed to ‘re-discover’ Friuli with a youth under 18 years of age, accompanied by a chapperone, typically someone who also has relations with our heritage and the Friuli region.
Please contact Andrea Justice or Madalena Lorenzon for additional details and to submit applications. E-mail StudentExchange@EFASCE.net for more information.
Past Student Exchange Participants
Gallery coming
Past Riscorprire Friuli
Gallery coming
Efasce di Philadelphia Riscorprire Friuli 2016 Facebook Page
(This page is still under construction…)
2014 Student Exchange
2010 Student Exchange
2009 Student Exchange
All pictures are property of Efasce di Philadelphia with the consent of the member participants and\or their guardian. They are not to be used or distributed without consent of Efasce di Philadelphia. For more pictures, please visit our Efasce di Philadelphia Facebook page.