2020-05 Newsletter

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      Enclosed please find our 17th EFASCE di Philadelphia newsletter. We hope you enjoy learning more about our organization, Italian traditions, and your fellow members.

      We look forward to your suggestions, feedback, and future contributions to the newsletter.

      We hope this newsletter finds you and your families keeping well during this unusual time of sheltering in place to inhibit the spread of the Corona Virus Pandemic. Even though we all have to practice physically distancing ourselves from our friends, family, and loved ones, these times have found people becoming amazingly creative to maintain their connections. Some examples include singing from apartment balconies, drive-by birthday celebrations, and virtual connections online.

      Stay well.

      This phrase has become very popular in Italy these days:

      Andrร  tutto bene
      Everything will be alright.

      A presto,

      Lisa A. Roman
      Vice President, EFASCE di Philadelphia
      Segretario EFASCE di Philadelphia is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/94-3457922 and AmazonSmile donates to Segretariato Efasce Di Philadelphia Inc!
      You are receiving this correspondence because you have provided your email address. To unsubscribe, please send an email to contact@efasce.net with the word unsubscribe in the subject line.

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