2019-08 Newsletter


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      Enclosed please find our 14th EFASCE di Philadelphia newsletter. We hope you enjoy learning more about our organization, Italian traditions, and your fellow members. This year we are highlighting Famous Friulans!
      We welcome any news you would like to share with your fellow Friulans as well as any feedback on how EFASCE can improve. We are always looking for ideas and volunteers. Please contact a board member to see how you can get involved!
      September and October are full of events for our members this year!
      We hope you can join us at any, or better yet, all of our upcoming events!!
      • Entertainment Committee Meeting Wednesday, September 11, 7-8 pm at the Venetian Social Club
      • Join Lou Del Bianco at the Venetian Social Club, Sunday, September 21st as he tells the story of his Grandfather, Luigi, a carver of Mt Rushmore! See page 4 for details!
      • The Southeastern PA Symphony Orchestra is holding “A Night in Italy” concert, on September 28. A Special BOGO offer has been offered to our EFASCE members, see page 3 for details and respond by Sept. 5th!
      • Our annual Festa dei Friulani Dinner Dance, featuring The Tom Smith Trio, will be Saturday, October 5th, 2019 at the Sandy Run Country Club. See page 5 for details!
      • Italian classes to start October 7th. Visit our website or contact Madalena at 215-233-2687 for more information
      • The ‘Eni & Leo Roman Memorial Polenta Dinner’ will be Saturday, April 18th, 2020 at the Venetian Social Club.

      A presto,
      Lisa A. Roman
      President, EFASCE di Philadelphia
      Segretario EFASCE di Philadelphia is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Shop at smile.amazon.com/ch/94-3457922 and AmazonSmile donates to Segretariato Efasce Di Philadelphia Inc!

      • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by EfasceAdmin.
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